Saturday, September 1, 2007

Drunk Driver's - Shame on You!

I had a sitting with a young lady yesterday. Before we began I thought to myself 'I wonder how a young beautiful woman could possibly loose someone'?
Well, loosing a loved one is not chosen by age, gender or inner or outer beauty.
She was barely 20 years old, and she looked extremely vivacious and happy go lucky.
As I started the reading, I soon realized that it was her brother who had passed. I had NO idea why she was there, other than assuming that she wanted to know he was ok.
Her brother was also her best friend.
Not quite the case, as I had connected with him, and I had described him in detail I asked her, so what is it that you're looking for today? At that exact same moment her brother brought me back to the night of his passing.
I traced it, from the clothes he was wearing, to him being on the cellphone, to picking up his friends, to them driving off to a party.
I knew from my dialogue with him that he was NOT drinking, as he point blank said no. I did on the other hand smell that his friends had been drinking beer.
He then dropped off his friends and headed home.
He then pauses and tells me, his passing was one where he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was not because of his action, but because of someone elses action.
He then proceeds to show me the road he's driving down. Suddenly I'm seeing headlights swerving towards me/him.
He jerks on his steering wheel, and his car swerves and hits a pole and a tree. The car looked fine, except on the driver's side of the car where he was sitting. It was completely demolished.
He passed immediately.
I said to his sister, that I saw a white car, and that her brother showed me someone at the steering wheel, and shows me a bottle right next to them, and drinking out of a bottle.
I paused and asked him for another confirmation because those are very serious allegations.
He then showed me an image of someone who I used to be friends with who easily would drink 2 or three cocktails before hitting the road. I was always as shocked by it, as I'm so against drinking and driving. All he said was 'Like her' 'Like her' ... referring to my friend K.
Then I knew from his descriptions that the person driving the other car was drinking.
I told the young lady, that a woman was driving the other car, and it was a white car. I also told her that an excellent medium would be able to zoom in on the license plates, which I started doing. I knew it was an in state plate, from the area though where this accident took place it could have been several different choices as the borders of the next 3 states are so close.
After the sitting had ended and the young woman had left her brother continued for a few minutes. I saw then even more clearly that it was a white Hyundai, and that the lady in question didn't live far from there.
But how would that have helped? There is no proof.
Police report stated that the young man, had not been drinking as there was no alcohol in his blood. He had been speeding, which I saw too but only about 10-15 miles p/h over the limit. He was going about 45 in a 30 mile p/h zone.
Police says there was no disturbance on the road. Obviously the lady in the white car had left the scene without any hesitation.
I wonder if she realizes what she's done, taken another persons life. I do know one thing for certain, that when she passes into spirit herself at the end of her life, she will know that she took another person life, because of her drinking and driving.
Where will it leave the sister.....only time will tell

1 comment:

Chrysalis said...

All things are indeed revealed when we pass. We will know even the slightest ripple we created in the lives of others. Best to you.