Saturday, July 7, 2007

Compliments well worth the wait

Just the other day, I got one of the nicest compliments I've ever heard, and I'm beginning to realize I may be coming full circle very soon.
A few years ago, when I first began studying Spirit Communication, I saw a young woman by the name of Jackie Lopez. She was about my age, and she was beautiful. She had great stage presence and her evidence was amazing.
One piece of evidence I saw her give from a stage to an audience member was 'I Love You' in Thai.
She heard it in Thai, without knowing that language and she repeated what she heard. The lady who was receiving the message from her mother, translated and said it means 'I Love You'
What a piece of evidence when a medium does not know the recipient at all, and when the medium also begins delivering messages in languages they themselves have never ever heard.
I was so impressed, that I thought to myself if I ever do this work, I would like to be like Jackie Lopez.
She shortly after that, stopped doing mediumship, but I still remember her as one of the best ones I've ever seen. And I am a medium know when I see quality and when I see wannabees.

Just a few weeks ago, I was at one of my weekly events and one of my colleagues had brought a friend who was sitting in the audience.
I began giving her a message, and apparently it was extremely evidential to her. She gasped for air a couple of times and she looked amazed.

After we finished she came up to me and asked if I did private readings and I told her I do on occasion. She later contacted me and invited me to her house where I indeed gave her and her friends one full hour sittings.

This young woman told me when she first saw me, that I reminded her of a woman she once got a reading from and that reading was still coming to light. This woman was Jackie Lopez.
She told me, I had the same intensity and enthusiasm in my work, and that we were both amazingly detailed.

It was one of the best compliments I have ever gotten, because I remember myself thinking a few years ago when I saw Jackie Lopez, I want to be as good as she.

I told another close friend of mine about this compliment. She agreed, she said I was even more detailed than Jackie but also Jackie had a lovely warm presence on stage.

I wish Jackie was still doing this work, she'd still amaze me just like she did the first time I ever saw her.

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