Sunday, May 3, 2009

"We Are ALL ONE"

I believe we are always learning and one of my favourite past-times is to attend workshops. Some think I should be teaching myself, but my thirst for knowledge is too great to give up the freedom to absorb knowledge from others. Perhaps one day I will surrender more my free will and listen to 'My Peeps' upstairs and teach more.

This weekend I attended a workshop which was fascinating for 2 different reasons. One, was the fact that we were blending with the 'Energy of Spirit' and not just relaying data. There is a huge difference. Since I was assisting in the workshop I was able to observe without being the student and without being the teacher. It truly was beautiful to observe how others work, and how they either cluelessly 'got it' or how they thought they got it, but they really didn't.
I admit there was a time when I thought I got it for the longest time, only to realize that I didn't quite get it.
Today I get it, but it is such a responsibility to be 'In the Energy' that I wonder if I will ever be able to. I hope so.

The other part of the workshop, where I was also able to assist and observe we spoke a great deal about the fact that 'We are All One' and that we are all a part of that greater energy and consciousness regardless where you are from. It is the 'ego' that fight battles and wars, but the Spirit that always seeks peace and oneness.

I do hope there will be a day, when we will all be able too see regardless of culture, nationality or language, that we are all a part of that greater source.

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