Friday, October 5, 2007

Pedophile Killer in the Woods

A young woman came to see me today who I doubt had any idea what she would experience as this was her first time ever sitting down for a mediumistic reading.
I told her from the get go, that there were two people around her and I immediately began describing this young man that was with her. I sensed him as a teenager, wearing a red sweatshirt with beautiful olive to caramel skin and what was distinctive about him were two things. His ears stuck out significantly and his eyes were just amazingly blue.
He was a very skinny kid, and there were issues with alcohol in his home.
The young woman confirmed everything, but at the same time it was obvious by her facial expression that she was amazed by all the information I gave her. She had initially come in for a psychic reading, but I generally will ask permission if I can bring through spirits that are around the people who come to see me.
I have this absolute faith, that who ever comes to see me, is there for a very specific reason and more often than not, to connect with a loved one, even though they may think they're there to look into their lives.
Spirit knows how I work, and spirit will send the people to me.

Just as she had acknowledged this young man, I continued and spoke of his passing. I said to the lady, this young man was in a way responsible for his own passing, because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The young man was choked to death. Not by a rope but by someone's firm grip. And I see him being forced up against a tree, and I know that his feet are not touching the ground.
He was hung by the hands of a heavy set man. I look down at him and I see that his pants have been removed below his knees.

The young woman confirms that a young boy who she was very good friends with in 5th grade had skipped school one day and he had taken a short cut through the woods. He was found dead, sitting or lying by a tree, choked to death with his pants down. He was wearing a bright read sweatshirt when they found him.
The killer was never found.
I told the young woman then, well the killer is still around, the killer of this young kid is still living and has never been caught.
The young woman confirmed that and she also said there were questions whether the young boy had been sexually molested. I confirmed that but I also told her that his spirit had already left his body because he spoke of that experience as not having been present, and observing himself being molested. He felt no pain, rather he was surprised by what was going on. He passed before it got ugly.
I also said to the young woman that his father was not involved because he had an alibi, being far away from where this assault took place.
She confirmed that he was under suspicion for a while but he was at work when this happens. He was far away, not involved at all.

The young woman had her mother in spirit also and her whole character came through. Her mom spoke of the young woman's siblings, but she also made fun of her own sister.
She showed, how everything in her sisters house was in order, and if one were to open kitchen cabinets, you'd see that all the canned goods were label facing forward. The young woman's auntie who is 81 years old, is indeed very particular about her home, and the mom in spirit really wanted her daughter to tease her just a tad bit.
She said next time you go into her home, turn all the cans around and play around with the coffee maker, mixer and toaster. Tell her then that this is a message from her little sister and that she's still up to her little tricks even from the higher side.
Her mom spoke about the whole family. One very important thing she mentioned also was the fact that her daughter still smokes, and that if she continues at the rate she's going, she'll end up with emphysema. Mom herself had breathing issues before her passing, so she was adamant about that par.
Her mom was fun to chat with, she had a light in her heart that was contagious. Those are usually the best sittings I do, where the light shines through and through.
Her mom was a devout Christian, and believed in Jesus and acknowledged his presence on the higher side.

Humour is essential when people go through hard times, and humour is especially important when we send spirit greetings to us living. Life on the higher side is all loving, and spirit wants nothing more than to share that with us.

The mother and the young boy were joined together in Heaven, they both were doing really well.

1 comment:

Tarot Reader said...

Hi there. Any chance you would consider adding an email subscription option to your page? I'd love to keep up with your work.